Bryant Christie Inc.

Bryant Christie Inc.

Bryant Christie Inc.

Seattle, WA
(206) 292-6340

Sacramento, CA
(916) 492-7062

Global Access

Bryant Christie Inc. has over three decades of experience opening new markets and improving access to existing markets around the world. BCI works with U.S. and foreign governments to eliminate unfair trade barriers, reduce tariffs, and provide guidance and technical support to help clients navigate export market regulations, including international pesticide maximum residue level (MRL) issues.

Research & Information

BCI also delivers market intelligence, compliance requirements, data analysis, and consulting tailored to clients’ needs. They offer the “BCI Monitor,” which provides customized synopses of regulatory changes and international trade developments that affect exports; “Data Dashboards” to manage data and leverage insights; and “Customized Resource Centers” for regulatory information specific to a client’s products and key markets. BCI also conducts program evaluations and strategic planning to assess market development activities and strengthen their impact.

Market Development

BCI’s team of market development managers assist clients with implementing global marketing campaigns to increase food, beverage, and agricultural export sales. BCI helps secure government grant funding, manage financial resources, and navigate regulatory compliance. Their team also administers and oversees agricultural trade associations.


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