Our Members

USAEDC’s 100+ members are U.S. commodity trade associations, farmer cooperatives, and state regional trade groups from around the country, representing the interests of growers and processors of a variety of U.S. agricultural products.

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National Sunflower Association

The National Sunflower Association is a non-profit agricultural organization working on problems and opportunities for the improvement of members. Membership in NSA includes growers and the support industry.

National Watermelon Promotion Board

The watermelon R&P program operates as the National Watermelon Promotion Board. Its purpose is to maintain and expand existing markets and develop new markets for fresh watermelon.

New York Wine & Grape Foundation

Our mission is to promote the world-class image of New York grapes and wines to responsibly benefit farmers, producers and consumers through marketing, research, communication, and advocacy.

North American Export Grain Association, Inc.

NAEGA, a not-for-profit trade association established in 1912, consists of private and publicly owned companies and farmer-owned cooperatives providing services to the agri-bulk products international trading industry.

North American Millers’ Association

NAMA is the trusted voice for the milling industry to policymakers, regulators, supply chain partners and consumers in the areas of regulation, legislation, trade, supply and consumption.

North American Renderers Association

At NARA, we represent members’ interests to regulatory and other governmental agencies, promote the greater use of animal by-products and foster the opening and expansion of trade.

Northwest Horticultural Council

NHC was incorporated in 1947 with the broad purpose of assisting with problems common to the Northwest tree fruit industry, including policy issues affecting the industry in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.

NW Cherry Growers/WA State Fruit Commission

Northwest Cherry Growers, supported by the Washington State Fruit Commission for the purpose of promotion and market development, includes 2500 sweet cherry growers in UT, ID, WA, OR, and MT.

Organic Trade Association

The Organic Trade Association is the membership-based business association for organic agriculture and products in North America, representing over 9,500 organic businesses across 50 states.