International Trade Associates

Jerry Hingle
International Trade Associates
4238 Chestnut Street
New Orleans, LA 70115 USA
Tel: 504-756-3520
Varied Experience
After 25+ years in the FAS/Cooperator field and many USAEDC conferences, Jerry Hingle of International Trade Associates is a familiar face to many. He has been running International Trade Associates for nine years, after being Executive Director of SUSTA for eight years and, prior to that, in forest products for many years in Washington, Brussels, and New Orleans.
Proven Results
International Trade Associates assists FAS cooperators with all that goes into what they do: success stories, the Unified Export Strategy and all the forms that go with it, Country Progress Reports, evaluations, requests for proposals, compliance reviews, Civil Rights compliance reviews, annual fraud prevention coaching, and more. International Trade Associates works in the true spirit of integrity, compliance, and sound stewardship, and is proud of an exceptional record of clean compliance reviews with all their clients.
In their work with cooperators, International Trade Associates has authored and gotten approval of millions of dollars in Emerging Markets Program, Technical Assistance for Specialty Crops, and other funding proposals for cooperators at no cost to them, other than their required contribution. They would be thrilled to help your organization and welcome requests for proposals.