With the help of funds from the Market Access Program (MAP), members of U.S. Livestock Genetics Export, Inc. (USLGE) led trade missions bringing buyers to the United States in 2022. Two separate missions, one focused on competitive horses and one on Hereford cattle, resulted in combined immediate sales of $132,600, with more sales expected in the future and an additional economic impact of $15,000 on the local transport industry.
Hereford Genetics Head to Mexico
In late February 2022, the Idaho Department of Agriculture hosted six prominent Hereford ranchers from Mexico. These buyers were recruited thanks to connections made on previous missions. Two producers were new contacts made on the USLGE outbound mission to Guadalajara, Mexico, in November 2021; they were instrumental in the President of the Mexico Hereford Association’s joining the group. The other three buyers were connections from a 2019 mission to Mexico. February’s mission to the U.S. included three ranch visits, one business meeting with a genetics company, and one bull sale. The buyers showed interest in livestock/genetics at all the ranches, and future business was discussed with the Idaho genetics company about opportunities to use their services to harvest high-quality embryos for export to Mexico. Every producer from Mexico, including the President of the Mexico Hereford Association, purchased at least one animal. A total of $87,600 in genetics sales resulted from the trade mission.

Source: USLGE
Horses Bound for Competition in Europe
The American Paint Horse Association (APHA) sponsored a reverse trade mission in May 2022 for German and French buyers interested in high-quality American Paint and Quarter Horses to be used for competition. During the mission, the buyers purchased three American Quarter Horses, valued at a total of $45,000, and spent an additional $15,000 with local equine transport companies to ship them to Europe. While most horse-related activities are long-term investments, this particular mission produced immediate sales and established relationships that are expected to lead to an estimated $70,000 in future sales.
Sustainability Spotlight
USLGE is committed to advancing sustainable animal agriculture globally. By matching international producers with leading, progressive U.S. livestock breeders and providing educational and technical support, USLGE strives to ensure a continued safe, secure, and nutritious food supply while balancing the preservation of land and natural resources with economic growth and profitability for all.
These case studies were originally featured in USLGE’s e-newsletter. They have been added to the USAEDC website with USLGE’s permission.